Programs hosted by James Goodale
1 Judith Miller, Journalist - If I Had To Do It All Over - WNYE/Ch 25, 1/08/06
2 Rebecca Mackinnon, Former CNN China correspondent and co-founder of the blog "Global Voices" and Timothy Wu, Columbia Law School Professor and author of "Who Controls the Internet?" - Did Google Sell Out in China? - WNYE Ch/25, 3/12/06
3. Mark Crispin Miller, Author Fooled Again ; Professor Media Studies, New York University and Edward Rollins former GOP White House Political Director - Did the GOP Steal the 2004 Elections? - WNYE Ch/25, 2/26/06
4. Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) - Are The NSA Wiretaps Legal? - WNYE Ch/25, 2/5/06
5. Jim McCann, President 1800 - Does Google Help (1 800 - WNYE/Ch 25, 1/22/06
6. Rebecca MacKinnon, Berkman Center, Harvard Law School - Are Bloggers as Trustworthy as Mainstream Media? - WNYE/Ch 25, 3/26/06
7. Louis Freeh, Author My FBI"; former Director FBI - Did the 9/11 Commission Screw Up? - WNYE/Ch 25, 1/15/06
8. Winston Lord, former U.S. Ambassador to China and Andrew Nathan, Professor Political Science, Columbia University, Author China's New Rulers - Who is Hu (and Where is China Going)? - WNYE/Ch 25, 12/25/06
Programs hosted by James Goodale
9. Burt Neuborne, John Norton Pomeroy Professor of Law; Director Brennan Center of Justice, NYU School of Law - Roberts/Alito - Forwards/Backwards - WNYE/Ch 26, 12/4/05
10. Carl Berstein, journalist (of Watergate fame) and Michael Wolff, Columnist Vanity Fair - Should the Press Support Judy Miller? - WNYE/Ch 25, 12/11/05
11. Arnaud de Borchgrave, Director Transnational Threats Project, CSIS; Editor-at-Large UPI and Washington Times - Can we Stop Terrorists on the Net? - WNYE/Ch 25, 11/27/05
12. Henry Blodget President Cherry Hill Research - Is Google Overhyped? - WNYE/Ch 25, 10/2/05
13. Henry Blodget President Cherry Hill Research and Edward Atorino Media Analyst, Benchmark - Will Google and the Net Crush Newspapers? - WNYE/Ch 25, 3/5/06
14. Mary Mapes Author Truth and Duty: The Press, the President, and the Privilege of Power - Will Bloggers Kill Mainstream Media? - WNYE/Ch 25, 12/18/05
15. William Bastone Editor The Smoking Gun website and Thomas Lipscomb Chicago Sun Times - Does Truth Matter? - WNYE/Ch 25, 1/29/06
16. David Schneiderman, CEO, Village Voice Media – Free For All? - WNYE/Ch 25, 10/9/05
Programs Hosted by James Zirin
1. Peter Georgescu, Chairman Emeritus Young & Rubicam, Author The Sources of Success - Has Advertising Lost or Found its Way in the Digital Age? - WNYE/Ch 25, 11/13/05
2. Richard Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations; author The Opportunity - Is American Foreign Policy at a Crossroad? - WNYE/Ch25, 10/30/05
3. Bill Reinsch, President, National Foreign Trade Council - Will Losing the Ports Deal Hurt America? - WNYE/Ch 25, 3/19/06
4. Evan Kohlman, International Terrorism Consultant and Steven A. Cook, Douglas Dillon Fellow, Council on foreign Relations - Is the Net Friend or Foe of Islamic Reform? - WNYE/Ch 25, 4/2/06
5. Peter Goldmark, Program Director, Climate and Air Environmental Defense Fund - Can the Internet Prevent Global Warming? - WNYE/Ch 25, 11/6/05
6. Hon. Raymond W. Kelly, Police Commissioner of the City of New York with host James D. Zirin, Sidley Austin LLP - Do We Have The Technology To Fight Crime And Terrorism? - WNYE/Ch 25, 11/20/05