Programs Hosted by James Goodale
1. Michael Scheuer, Author Imperial Hubris; former chief of CIA bin Laden Unit - Can we Win the War against Virtual Terrorism? - WNYE/Ch 25, 2/3/05
3. Former Senator Robert Kerrey (D-NE), President New School - Will the FBI Ever Talk to the CIA? - WNYE/Ch 25, 10/7/04
4. Elaine Kamrack, JFK School of Government Harvard University and Edward Rollins, former GOP White House Political Director - Should we Stop the Swift Boat Ads? - WNYE/Ch 25 10/7/04
5. Henry Kissinger, Former US Secretary of State; Kissinger Associates - Do We Need A Director of Intelligence in the Digital Age? - WNYE/Ch 25, 12/2/04
6. James Woolsey, Vice President, Booze Allen Hamilton; former Director CIA - Is the CIA Ready for the Information Age? - WNYE/Ch 25, 10/30/04
7. Scott Heiferman, CEO - Will the net work for Kerry? - WNYE/Ch 25, 3/3/04
8. Thomas Lipscomb, Sr. Fellow Annenberg Center for Communication and Alex Jones, Lecturer Press and Public Policy; Director Shorenstein Center, Harvard - Can MSM Surivive the Bloggers? - WNYE/Ch 25, 03/12/05
Programs hosted by James Goodale
9. Bruce Keller, Debevoise & Plimpton and Rick Karr, Author TechnoPop: How Technology Makes and Un-Makes Popular Music – Will Big Media Win The Music War? - WNYE/Ch 25, 03/26/05
10. Thomas Lipscomb, Chicago Sun Times and Dan Ackman, Forbes.Com – Is The Report On Rather Flawed? - WNYE/Ch. 25, 01/22/05
11. Russell Lewis, President, New York Times Company and Martin London, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison - Should Judith Miller Go To Jail? - WNYE/Ch 25, 02/19/05
12. Harold Evans, Author They Made America – Ted Turner: Madman Or Genius? - WNYE/Ch. 25, 01/08/05
13. Douglas Farah, Author Blood From Stones - Was the 9/11 Commission Wrong (about Diamonds)? - WNYE/Ch 25, 03/19/05
14. James Bamford, Author A Pretext For War - Did Bush Have A Massive Disinfo Plan? - WNYE/Ch. 25, 09/29/04
15. Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor of The Wall Street Journal, and Jonathan Alter, Editor Newsweek - Did Big Media Lose Big In The Election? - WNYE/Ch. 25, 12/11/04
Programs Hosted by James Zirin
1. Hon. Thomas H. Kean, Former Chair 9/11 Commission; former Gov. New Jersey with Host James D. Zirin, Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP - Will The New Director Of Intelligence Make Us Safer? - WNYE/Ch 25, 03/05/05
2. Frederick P. Hitz, Author The Great Game; former CIA Inspector General - The Great Game - WNYE/Ch 25, 11/06/04