Programs hosted by James Goodale
1. Gerald Posner, Author Why America Slept and Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK - 9/11 - Who's To Blame? - WNYE/Ch 25, 1/28/04
2. Scott Heiferman, CEO - Will the Net work for Kerry? - WNYE/Ch 25, 3/3/04
Programs hosted by James Zirin
1. Ambassador Frank G. Wisner, Vice Chairman, AIG Inc., former U.S. Ambassador to India and Egypt - Does America Have The Tools To Deal With Global Technology? (Can the Net Democratize the World?) - WNYE/Ch 25, 12/10/03
2. Anne-Marie Slaughter, Dean Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs - Will Media Frenzy Allow Saddam A Fair Trial? - WNYE/Ch 25, 3/24/04