Listen to Law and Disorder Radio. Guests Stephen Rohde and James Goodale warn that Trump is systematically destroying worthwhile programs that advance diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility, while simultaneously violating the First Amendment.
As we await the High Court decision on Julian Assange, join us Friday at 9am EST, 2pm GMT, and 1am AEDT for a deep dive into the Espionage Act & Official Secrets Acts and their impact on the Assange case.
STEEL TALKIN' WCCO RADIO CBS MINNESOTA, Oct 13, 2013. James Goodale, the man who argued the Pentagon Papers case for the NY Times joins Moose Miller to discuss his career in journalism law, his book "Fighting For the Press" and the current state of Journalism, the recent NSA stories, and the press' relationship with President Obama
HUFFPOST LIVE Sept. 19, 2013. "The Outrageous NSA Opinion," James Goodale is interviewed by Josh Zepps on the FISA court opinion released Sept. 17, 2013
Click for WNYC radio interview on June 30, 2011 Pentagon Papers Legacy and WikiLeaks.Brian Lehrer, of WNYC radio, interviews James Goodale on the 40th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on the Pentagon Papers. James Goodale led the case for The New York Times in 1971 and won. This First Amendment decision will hold forever: the government cannot restrain the press from publishing (censorship).
Interview on WHYY Radio Times with Marty Moss Cowain, Tuesday, June 14, 2011 about the declassification of the Pentagon Papers on the 40th anniversary of their publication, June 13, 2011. Click here forthe entire one hour interviewwith Daniel Ellsberg, Leslie Gelb and James Goodale.
host Deborah Becker brings James Goodale in about 19:15 and he stays in the conversation through 31:30. The cloud next to the arrow will reveal the time cues.
Assange Extradition and the War on Journalism - a panel with James Goodale, Daniel Eldrige and Chris Hedges, moderated by Sue Udry and posted by Popular Resitance, September 10, 2020.
CITY CLUB OF CLEVELAND,Webcast, Podcast. James C. Goodale discusses his experiences as a leading First Amendment Lawyer, including the highly publicized Pentagon Papers case, at the City Club of Cleveland, the citadel of the First Amendment, April 12, 2013
PERSONAL DEMOCRACY FORUM AND NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL, WikiLeaks and The Law, March 21, 2011. Panelists: James C. Goodale, Geoffrey Stone, Gabriel Schoenfeld, Yochai Benkler, Moderator: Micah Sifry. Introduction: Trevor Timm
AMERICAN JOURNALISM REVIEW - KEYNOTE SPEECHby James C. Goodale, Click to hear James Goodale's "fight like tigers" speech. American Journalism Review, the Knight Center for Specialized Journalism and the Philip Merrill College of Journalism, hosted a conference April 2 and 3, 2006, at the University of Maryland called "The End of Confidentiality? Journalists, Sources and Consequences."
JAMES GOODALE'S SPEECH FOR30th Anniversary of Release of Pentagon Papers A Symposium for the 30th Anniversary of Release of Pentagon Papers was sponsored by Vietnam Veterans of America on June 5, 2001.